Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Diary Entry #1

19 February 2015

Dear Cheese Diary,

Well, adventure number one did not go as planned but still turned out epic! I was a bit skeptical, as I could not see and was roughly shoved in a book "for my own safety." When I was finally removed from said book (thank goodness! I was getting cramped!) I very nearly plummeted to my demise in a mountain of something very cold and wet.

Before I get too involved in my tale, perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is flat Karen. I was created as a tribute to Karen Bell, who is currently in a cheese-less land for a year, doing good things for humanity. No cheese for a year?! Can you imagine the horror? Now, Karen's cousin, Rachel, and friend, Leah (not to be confused with Karen's cousin and Rachel's sister, Leah) could not imagine a year without cheese as they are avid cheese lovers. Thus, I was born, as a way to bring cheese to a cheese-less Karen.

My caretakers, Rachel and Leah, decided to start the cheese adventures at a place called Panera Bread.  Now I was hoping for something with cheese in the title, since it is a cheese adventure after all, but of course, they didn't ask me.  I was beginning to think they forgot about me as I laid on the table, dreaming of cheese. Now, dear reader, you may be thinking that I said I could not see...I was not blind-folded as some of you might have deduced. Alas, I currently have no face! My caretakers have assured me that this will be rectified quickly. I sure hope so, otherwise, I will be looking for new hosts to take me on cheese adventures!

But I digress...after an influx of smells and laying on the sticky, germ infested table I was finally rewarded with a glob of congealed cheese! I know, I know...sounds appetizing, but I assure you, it was quite tasty and warmed me right up!

I suppose I should be thankful that I got to experience this cheese excursion on the table, unlike Rachel's new accordion. Beltuna was forced to hide under the table, safe inside a case. Although I suppose it is infinitely better than being left in the frigid cold car! Even though Beltuna isn't much of conversationalist, I still felt a connection since we shared the back seat on the long drive. So, I'll leave you with one last picture of Beltuna and I, hanging out on and below the table. 

I hope that the next time I post I'll be able to tell you all about what I saw! The next cheese adventure awaits...

-Flat Karen

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